The university is a place where you learn not to memorize and reproduce, but to create and explore, to share your own thoughts and ideas for the development of theories. Of course, it is difficult, you have to monitor many different points, ask write my book review, etc., with which will help, but the main thing is that you will gain knowledge and inspiration.

1. Maddie Harlan
2. Taylor Johnson
3. Tina Rohner

Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic

1. Jaime Browning
2. Matthew Christopher
3. Greg Walsh
4. Danielle Zappile

Spartanburg Methodist College
1. Misty Lamb
2. Jessica Elder
3. Steve Evans

Spartanburg Community College
1. Loreena Miller

University of South Carolina Spartanburg

1. Michael Berry
2. Walker Brewer
3. Xavier Pearson
4. Shannon Trafton


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