Student?s Name:
Misty Shea Lamb
Student?s school:
Spartanburg Methodist College. If you want to write about this educational institution, please use the essay topic suggestion at and get a topic that will help to best cover the topic of the historical and cultural impact of Spartanburg Methodist College on life and development of the city.
Student's Hometown:
Simpsonville, S.C.
Student?s major:
Early Childhood Education/Nursing
Graduating year:
Activities you are involved with:
Cheerleader, Mentor at Jesse Bobo Elementary School
Favorite place on a Saturday night:
Laying at home on the couch, watching movies
Favorite place on campus:
Dorm Room
Interesting Thing discovered about Spartanburg:
Everyone knows everyone!
Advice you would give to incoming students:
Get to know people. It's a great advantage